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New Beginnings - 2020

Posted by Bonnie on Dec 31st 2019

Wanted to take one more moment to thank everyone who bought from me in 2019. This past year was a turning point for me. When I retired (does that ever really happen?) I put everything - almost - into storage. I've decided to get those things out of those boxes this coming year. Thanks to all of you - you have given me the inspiration to persevere and get it done.

I discovered a huge box of butterfly's and since spring is right around the corner I'm going to concentrate on those. Many of these beauties are one of a kinds never to be seen again once sold. So add me to your favorites and check back now and then.

Starting a website is never easy - exposure is hard. Competition is fierce. There's the Chinese race to the bottom. I've watched alot of my competitors disappear for one reason or another. I applaud all of you for keeping American dollars right here in our country. Maybe you don't consider it but my money is spent here inside my community. My truest wish for 2020 is for all Americans to support each other.