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How to Clean Sterling Silver Jewelry - The Lazy Woman's Way

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I decided to write an article about my lazy woman's way to clean sterling silver jewelry. It won't always work for everyone - every time but has served me well over many years.

I have ALOT of sterling charms - every once in awhile I think their too tarnished and want to clean them.

I get one of my grandson's long white socks - I put mayabe 30 charms in the sock - tie it off with a knot and simply throw it into my next load of laundry.  Once I had perhaps 1,000 pieces I wanted to clean and did it with several socks.  That load I ran all by themselves on the small load setting. I have used a very small amount of dishsoap and a couple dabs of windex (optional) but laundry soap with the clothes - even in a load of clothes is fine.

When the cycle is done simply put a clean towel on the counter - spread those suckers out - pat them down - let them dry. You can even take a hair dryer to them if your looking for a quick fix. DO NOT THROW IN THE DRYER

*****This method is not to be used with sterling items that have stones in them. I have never tried that. Also with cheap imPort sterling I make no warranty. Alot of time import - what they call sterling - is nothing more than quadruple plate over some kind of pot metal.  I wouldn't do it - but good sterling - wash away.

I'm a one woman show here so if I can find some time saving methods I do it.

I have always been amazed at how shiny my charms come out and as of yet this method has never failed me.

Hope it helps you too. Feel free to print out this page or share with your friends.